UE5 & Reallusion Tips & Tricks


HI Toy
I’m not a gamer, but congratulations. :+1:
Regards Robert


People who don’t have iPhone I guess this is a good alternative





Yesss, that’s it Bassline, possibilities are just endless :grinning: I’ve made an musical animation for a client using Iclone pose, unreal engine and ComfyUI, No need to pay subscription with runway or kling AI …they didn’t believe their eyes. One of them said that’s Animation, not these things AI make, I just smiled, they knew me as using only Iclone and unreal. So they are happy, let’s keep them happy without any precision about AI. Just using ComfyUI, I made a one month work in 3 days, it’s funny, many people says I don’t like AI animation, but they don’t even realize they’re looking at a AI video because it’s more and more real, it’s so far the ugly video will smith eating a pizza . But I keep saying Iclone and Unreal engine are essential for me to make any start pose, it’s so difficult to get EXACTLY the camera angle, the real pose, keeping same character and outfits just using AI

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UE5.5.1 hotfix update Unreal Engine 5.5 Released - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums


What are you using in Comfy to make the animations from the renders?

Hi my good people…i wonder if you could help me figure this out… please check my video… whenever I have a BP Character and have an animation sequence attached to it in sequencer… as soon as reposition the character in the viewport…the animation will stop playing unitl i press simulate… very annoying…I have tried changing animation modes, I have also messed with the construction script (because this is a modular character for the clothes especially) and nothing seems to solve this problem.


Free :slight_smile:


I’m using cogvideoX

Our friend who made the video above about Mutable used an incorrect method. If anyone needs it, I added the correct usage method to my channel.

Free on FAB : https://www.fab.com/listings/836ed2f8-e2d6-49be-98d3-59d104bd351e

:grinning: UE5.5 with collision support in Motion Design :

Ha ha ha cool Bassline, great party

Iclone to AI render, not perfect, no dynamic shadow and this white thing in the hairs


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Hey everyone, Happy New Year! Has anyone successfully implemented any animation series into the Motion Matching system in UE?

I’m thinking whether the Parkour MoCap series would be cool to be set up as a gameplay dynamic, but also curious if you have any experience/best practices…

Happy New Year Everyone :grin:

Free items from Fab Marketplace until January 14th.


Wow that’s a massive change for the iClone to unreal process for 5.5! Crazy. FBX import no longer works!

Btw this new forum, when threads get long, is NOT as easy to navigate. My brand new iPhone struggles with it. Can we get it split into pages like the last forum??