There’s got to be an easier way to fix this. I tried out the Transfer Skin Weight option on both the Shirt and Pants and it did not work at all It didn’t change anything.
I then went to Skin Weights and with the corresponding bone selected I tried manually assigning the Skin Weight Values. It made some change but it’s still not fixed.
Is there something I’m missing here?
It would have been nice if I could grow the vertex selection under Skin Weights as you can in the Transfer Weights Menu. Even with wireframe mode its hard to see and select the verti I need to edit.
For the pants I was thinking I could just select the two upper leg bones and somehow paint the weights to evenly distribute between them. I don’t see any such option though
Essentially - yes. Shirts should never be skin weighted in a pose with hands down (which seems what happened here). You will get unrecoverable mess which should not have taken place.
Shirts have to be designed/simulated/fit in A or T-pose. Latter is preferred.
And pants should be weighted in a pose with legs slightly apart with lateral partitioning.
See my guidance videos for shirts and pants in this thread: [help] Skin Weights
@4u2ges Ok I’m gonna have to figure out how best to import the clothes to match the character. These are all from Daz3D and I’m using the Transformer CC3+ with the G8 Male A- Pose option ( I tried the G8 T-Pose option but it made no difference) .
I could export the character and clothes into Marvelous Designer and try simulating them in the correct pose. Only issue will be the character imported and converted with Transformer is not the same original Daz3d rig and it changes to pose just enough to make it hard to match up with the original pose from Daz.
@4u2ges ok let me explain. I am importing the characters with their clothes from Daz using the Transformer Tool in CC4. During that process the Transformer Tool asks to choose the CC3+ A pose when importing.
Here are the export settings from Daz and the original pose of the character in Daz
Ok I think there’s no way out of it I need to have a T-pose to get the clothes rigged better no matter what. I’m going to try creating a T-pose in Daz to apply to the character in CC4. So the character will still come in with Transformer.
Then from that same T-Pose in Daz. I’ll export the clothes as and an .obj. If I export the character from CC4 with the T-pose applied as an .obj also and use both in Marvelous Designer for the cloth sim I think that should work.
Yes, if you have an access to MD, then this would be the best course of action. But have you tried to import shirt on base G8 male? Then save cloth in CC and reapply to desired character.
Here is how to export Genesis 8 in T-pose from DAZ (mostly for top garments).
Note, this routine might not work well for every other character, but works fine for base male and female. The key is to set cloth to a different fit mode and then bake joints. During this process cloth is slightly deformed in DAZ in the armpit area. But it’s getting imported into CC exactly the same because of the T-pose.
In CC I also optionally smooth over stretched mesh in A-Bind pose (pose recommended to weights transfer in CC) and then reapply weights. Routine may vary depending on particular cloth item.
@4u2ges Thanks for your replies the tips you gave helped a lot!
So the Marvelous Designer idea did not work out. When I ran the simulation the clothes fell apart. On the pants the pockets and belt loops all just fell off. I could spend the time to edit and sew everything but the whole point was to try to save some time on asset creation so I could focus on animation and storytelling. If I have to do that much work trying to fix premade clothing I’m better off making all the clothes from scratch myself.
Anyhow that particular t-shirt and pants i was using was having the same issues in Daz when i posed the character in a T-Pose. I did also try smoothing out the models in CC4 but they were just not made well.
I ended up using the same basic shirt you did in this video and a different pair of pants. It looks like I can continue to edit the shape and even the rigging of the clothes and then save them to apply on the animated character in Iclone.
The problem is a pose. Transformer creates all new set of bones for armature (CC base). And even if you import and apply DAZ GEN8 A pose from the same character you run through the transformer, the discrepancy with cloth imported as prop is great. A lot of pose tweaking would be needed and for complex garments it will not succeed.
Here’s what the first shirt I was trying to work with was looking like in Daz. It looks like Daz’s auto rigging and cloth binding was the problem. I couldn’t figure out a way to fix it in Daz. Even when I brought it to CC4 it came in shaped like this and the paint smoothing was not working …not well enough it to fix at least.