Sadly Sp3c1alk your graphics card is the problem. Intel UDH graphics are not supported nor powerful enough to run Character Creator without problems.
You need a computer with a dedicated graphics card from Nvidia or AMD if you wish to run CC4 or iClone 8. A latest Nvidia RTX 4060 or ideally higher would be a good investment if you can manage it.
I should also add that 5GB of free hard drive space is also not enough. I would recommend you have at least 50GB free to avoid the long loading times for projects.
Way too small. Most computers these days come with at least a 1 terabyte SSD hard drive built in. A 500GB hard drive is really a minimum and always keep at least 50GB free (more if possible).
So I had a ticket for this issue and was told to uninstall CC, uninstall iClone and uninstall iray and then install them all again. So I did.
Issue - none of my custom content showed up - I had to run overnight a “Sync” in CC which still was not finished this morning and now I have had to do it for iClone. It is taking forever - running over 1 hour and only at 23% of syncing.
In the meantime, I tried adding a character in CC with the iray window open. Then I loaded another character over top…absolutely the same issue - CRASH.
If I set the Progressive Texture Loading to “Load when all models loaded” - then I have half a chance of no crash but my point is this was not necessary last month. Something has changed and I wasted a lot of time uninstalling and reinstalling. In addition, some of the folders are messed up now so it is very frustrating. I replied to my ticket with all this, waiting for a response but sometimes I think the easy answer is uninstall and reinstall without considering that something else might be going on.
Ok, I must be doing something wrong. All my custom content is on D but when I did a reinstall, the custom content didn’t show up. As I said above, I did a sync for CC.
Now in iClone, it won’t sync everything as it says I do not have enough disk space. I use drive D, only for content for CC3, CC4, iclone 7 and iClone8. Everything will not sync and it says drive D is full (and I checked, it is) so it seems that the sync is installing again - I honestly do not know but everything will not sync. Is there a way to simply point to where my custom content is so that it appears in the software - and I cannot figure out where these extra files that are now taking up space so the disk is full are.
In the new Smart Content Manager you can set multiple drives where iClone8 and CC4 can find all your content. Please watch the tutorial HERE which shows how to do this for Custom content and HERE for your Template content.
The Morph slider cache build at start is normal, even if the default project is blank and I consider this a good thing. The last thing that I want, or need, is for system resources being hogged by something that will have a negative affect on other software when I am not using CC.
The simple solution for this is to just minimise CC when not using it and maximise any other App that you need to use. This way you will always have the Morph cache loaded, and can save the load time if you have a requirement to go back to it.
The message simply means that the Morph sliders will be stored in a file when CC is started thus shortening the time required to load when a new project is created/opened containing a character.
I can’t remember exactly when, but it must have been during the CC2 version cycle that this was included. Prior to that Morph sliders were added in memory each and every time that a new character was created, or an existing character project was opened.
Not shure if this causes the problem,different materials for the same mesh name. If thats not a bug CC should warn if different materials are defined for the same mesh name.
So this isn’t exactly CC 4.52 because it originated in CC 3.44, but I can’t see ANYTHING in in the smart gallery, nor can I download anything. I tried resetting the Database but that didn’t help and its been days I opened a ticket, but they told me things i already tried. The smart gallery says it connects to the database but there’s nothing. I can’t afford CC4, so when i did try it, it was a trial, but I did buy CC3. I was trying to find things I’d already purchased to install them through the Smart Gallery and i don’t want to individually install them all.