Why cant i click and open content in market place

why cant i click and open content in market place each time i click on an item it keeps showing no search result found even though i did not make any search

It is strange. I see that also briefly, but then the items are displayed.

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Looks like Marketplace is broken for the moment…

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Yep, seems broken. I can’t get it to list the items I purchased before (content list), either. The notification counter is also broken: Even though I received two new direct messages, the counter shows 0.

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Having the same issue. No matter what I search for in the Marketplace; it says “No results found”. I can’t see my content inventory also.

It’s been like this for about 16 hours, you’ve all broken it :joy:

Still broken as of 3/2/2025. This is not promising. What’s going on? Nothing downloads (no trials). No content clicked on displays when going to its product page. W. T. F.

Apologies for the downtime. Please can you try accessing the Marketplace again. It should be working now but please do let us know if you still have problems.

Marketplace seems to be working properly again.

Thanks Pete all seems fine now.