what is the best practice to create accessories? For example, if you want to create a character with a special style where the accessories have to match the style, is there a common way to make that possible via the layer structure?
I have found one possibility. I create additional layers and show or hide them before the export, depending on whether I want them or not. The advantage here is that the accessories are also assigned directly to the corresponding bone. But is the layer structure correct or can/must it be different?
I have another question about this. In the example file there are layer names like :-2 or :31, what does that do?
The other way was “create media” > “Prop” and import a .svg file with a single object like a watch. It opens in the composer mode. I switch to the Content tab > Custom and save it as accessorie.
in your image editor you can put the watch in in your images Watch/Normal/Watch
and make a bone, do you have the watch on arm?
then its
I feel everything has to be done in the way you name/structure layers. The CTA bone editor doesn’t have “un” connect and delete is greyed out when ever i need it so don’t use it
Have you tried making the prop in a clean project and saving to the content viewer…maybe dragging in gives a different result…this is on my list to try!
If you have an existing arm sprite, and you are looking to add an item like a wristwatch, you can just have the watch sprite as a layer within the LArm folder. That way you can control it using SVG Colour Management.
Alternatively, you can have a separate bone branching off from an existing pivot point, which can then have a sprite associated with it.
This can be done directly inside CTA or in your preferred art software. I use CorelDraw.
If you get stuck, send me an email to garrypye@reallusion and I will help where I can.