📢 Welcome to iClone Plug-in Developer Forum!

Dear iCloners,

Through iClone’s Python Open API, developers can build various plugins to expand iClone’s functions. These plugins can be designed to satisfy different purposes and needs, such as increasing productivity or using more creative ways to make animations. Moreover, with the Reallusion Plugin Marketplace, iClone developers can upload, share, and even sell created plugins to a global community.

By helping the developers to create plugins for iClone, Reallusion creates a long-term program: iClone Open, providing essential resources and support. For example, the developers can read Developer Guides to learn the skills of building a plug-in step by step, download free sample codes from GitHub, and visit the Plugin Developer Forum to exchange the newest ideas and information with other iClone plugin developers.

We hope Python Open API for iClone can become a Scripting Tool for Artists, and you’re more than welcome to join the iClone Open program. Please feel free to let us know if you have any suggestions or feedback. The Reallusion Python Team is very willing to adjust current APIs or add new APIs over time based on developer opinions.

Please remember for non-critical issues you are finding with Python, please make use of the Feedback Tracker and supply the steps you take so we can try and reproduce the problem.

You might select iClone 8 > 8.52 > Python to report the issues.

For critical issues that prevent you from using iClone 8, please contact Technical Support.

Thank you.