Using a single animation on multiple different characters in blender

I am bringing 3D scanned people from blender into Accurig, rigging them then exporting them as iAvatar, or directly to FBX. I have the same issue regardless which format is used.

If I then then open them in Character creator and drag an animation onto them it looks great. If I export a motion only and apply the motion in blender that I exported while having it on that person it will look good on them but it wont look good on any other characters. The arms are usually either to widely or too closely angled. So it seems like it’s retargeting the animations to accommodate which ever character you drag the animation onto. Just Idle_03 for example nothing fancy.

This did not happen when I exported a bunch of actorScan characters that I purchased, exported a single motion only file and I could apply it to all exported characters in blender and they looked great. Is there any way to “standardize” my rigged characters so that they can all work properly with shared animations exported from Character Creator? Or is the only option to export an individual animations per character?

Experimenting more it seems like perhaps the issue is being caused by the rest pose position. And whether or not the character is in a perfect T-pose or more an A-pose when rigging it. I thought though that accurig simply compensated for this and made all the rigs “the same” so that any animations exported would work regardless. I don’t suppose anyone knows how this is supposed to work?

AccuRig will generate the bind pose based on whatever pose the static mesh is in when you AccuRig it. iClone / Character Creator then use a T-pose as a reference pose, and all animations are relative to this T-pose, so they can be applied to all characters regardless of the original bind pose.

Blender armature animations are generated relative to the bind pose (rest pose), so they won’t play correctly on another character armature with a different bind pose, or with different bone rotations.