UE 5.5 Plugin...When?

In my previous post, I asked how long until the plugin would be ready. I was told possible end of November and that 5.5 had just been released and to give them time. Well, it’s been 1 month, and still no plugin. Nvidia Omniverse is no longer supporting a plugin to UE and switching to USD. When will there be a Epic Games Unreal Engine 5.4 Omniverse Connector? - Omniverse Connectors - NVIDIA Developer Forums

The Unreal 5.5 plug-in updates are due to be released this week (possibly even tomorrow if no last minute problems are found). Please look out for the announcement.

We’ve released CC Auto Setup v1.37 for UE 5.5, please check here :blush:: CC Auto Setup v1.37 for UE 5.5 Release Note