SSP_Eye_Inner.uasset Not Recognized in UE5.3

Good day everyone! In Unreal Engine 5.3.2, some “CC_Shaders” files have disappeared from the Content Browser, even though they are still visible in the Windows Explorer. The biggest issue is the absence of the file “SSP_Eye_Inner.uasset” because it is blocking the packaging of the build (game). When trying to drag this file from the “Auto Setup 1.37 For Unreal 5.3” Reallusion folder, Unreal says that it can’t import because it doesn’t recognize the file.

The Plugin settings have been set to “HQ Shader”. There’s been an attempt to completely reinstall the Reallusion Plugin by deleting both the “CC_Shaders” and “Plugins” folders, then doing a fresh install, but this hasn’t worked. There’s also been a test in other Unreal projects for UE 5.3.2 but with the same results.

If anybody knows how to tackle this issue, it’d be greatly appreciated!

Made an attempt to create a brand new empty project and import both Plugins and Content folder there. The same thing happens. The SSS Profile file is not recognized by Unreal and doesn’t import.

Would love some help on this issue. :slight_smile:

I understand that this error might be quite rare and that few people have encountered it. However, would anybody be kind enough to please share screenshots or properties of “SSP_Eye_Inner.uasset” so that I can reconstruct it myself from scratch?