Skytool Stutter

In IC 8,52 in prewiew and rendered video 1280x720 ! with almost any setting in realtime render Options Disabled the clouds of the sky tool stutter, see video. Very fast clouds dont look too bad, but i dont want them fast, i want them slow.

EDIT: I found out the clouds only move every 11th frame even if keys are present.

any advice how i can get clouds smoothly moving ?

That tool is animated with Substance. All is good, but steps for X/Y clouds movement was terribly designed as you learned.
So my advise is NOT to use recording at all, but instead animate clouds with some of the substance sliders. And then for movement animate Texture UV, instead of X/Y main_offset in Substance. You get much more control of the way you wish to animate clouds.


Wow! Great tip as usual… :slightly_smiling_face:


Awesome tip ! Thanks again for providing your outstanding knowledge ! :slightly_smiling_face:

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