Hi there,
i got an fbx model of a cartoon rooster that has the eyeballs and other parts of the body as separate meshes and accurigged it by selecting all the relevant meshes.
That worked fine and the character can be animated.
I now want to add some bones to do some spring effects to parts of the body.
So i followed the official coyote character youtube tutorial and exported an fbx from CC and imported that into Cinema 4D and added the bones.
There are two problems now.
After import the character is only one mesh. No separate meshes anymore.
How can i keep the separate meshes after import?
And will all the weight maps and facial profiles that i did before the export be restored?
Also the bones that are imported are the ones i created earlier with accurig.
But Accurig does not recognice them and does not ask if it should “extrapolate guides from skeleton”.
So i would have to do a full characterization of the model even though the bone structure is coming from Accurig in the first place.
This workflow would be horrible if one would have to do all the mapping and everything again just to get some extra bones into the model.
Is there really no way to add bones in CC nowadays?
Does anybody know how to do this?