Potential DRM issue, but how to ID which piece?

I’m using the Alejandro 2k model in a Unity project, along with v neck scrub shirt, CP pants, Kevin brow and hair/beard.
In Unity a popup appeared mentioning DRM slider, but nothing else specific.

I’ve looked at CC ‘Information’ popup via right-clicking items, but haven’t found which item is causing the DRM popup.

Alejandro with the standard license allows for export to game engines; in Unity, the model appears in Game view but is invisible in Scene view.

Is there a way in Reallusion CC4 to see if a part of my model is DRM-restricted?

I recall a previous project used a single-game export license on a model, although I don’t recall which project, but I haven’t used the Alejandro model in this way yet.

Unity 6 HDRP, Soupday importer 2.0
Alejandro Hair

A pop up in Unity?

There is no part of the CC/iC Unity Tools code that deals with DRM in any way. In fact No DRM information is even passed to Unity.

Whatever is going on, it’s not DRM related, and If you were having DRM issues, CC4 wouldn’t let you export it.

You may be having bounding box issues. When you select a mesh with a skinned mesh renderer in the scene view, take a look at where it draws the bounding box. If the box is off screen, it won’t draw the mesh.

If you tick the box that says: Update When Off Screen, and the mesh re-appears, then that’s your issue, though why it’s happening I don’t know.

Hi Victor, thank you for answering.
You’re correct. This popup appears in CC4 when I load this project, not in Unity.
I mashed some buttons, and found Unity’s show/hide hidden objects is the culprit. Somehow this model’s on a visibility toggle somewhere.
[Edit] D’oh. I had this object set to Invisible in hierarchy :man_facepalming:
Visibility setting

CC4 popup