is there tutorial could Reallusion make on where they go over alla physic and how to use them when using cc3 or 4 character in blender. By all physics I mean cloths phyisc for hair and spring bones for breasts and other stuff if there is any.
You could thoroughly go through the whole blener panel and how to adjust the physics in blender to make the mlook realistis.
I also asked help on blender artists forum about the animation issue of stretching mesh. Seems there is 4 different stretch sliders that needs to be turned off in order to make the character not stretch when moving limbs away from the body. The tutorial could also go thorugh the whole panel and demonstrage rigify and other options on it.
I know htere is small demo that demos the character creator sliders that you can tweak in blender and when exporting back to cc then those adjustments stay on. That tuorial could go thorugh those too if there is something new to them or just mention that it existsts too since it’s pretty good tutorial when using the pipeline