So I just started recording using OBS like a week or so ago. And had no issues… but today for some reason when i load up a project and get OBS set. the viewport just starts spinning. It used to do the same thing when I was trying to use my spacemouse last year, so i never used it… I dont know what to do.
What kind of mouse and controller do you have attached to your computer?
It might be wise to try disconnecting any controllers and just try with a basic three button mouse if you have one. This will narrow down the cause of the issue.
Hahaha I feel so foolish… I thought for sure I responded or deleted this last night… it was my Xbox controller… (it sits in a 3d printed robot hand) and was apparently resting on the analog stick…
Hahah thanks for checking on me
No problem. It’s an easy mistake to make. Thanks for letting us know.