loss of facial morph data when exporting from CC4 to UE 5.5


I have been struggling for several days trying to get facial morph data to work in UE5.5.
The same animation data works with other characters but not the character that I created with CC4. I used the latest revised procedure on Youtube but I still do not get all the facial morph data.
The morph target sliders work in the imported(inyto UE5) character but not when using the animation data.
Are there any updates on this issue?

Thanks to anyone that can give me a few hints


can you share some screenshots how your Anim Blueprint looks like ?
I totally had to reprogram everything by hand

Thanks for responding.
Is this what you were looking for ?
Also, the morph targets are there and they “work” when manual changed in the details panel.
I have images but it wont let me attach any jpeg files. ??

which other characters are you using? non CC3+ ?
where is your animation data from? facials from iclone or CC4?

Here, all works fine with CC3+/CC4 characters.

I am just exporting a standard CC4 character as an FBX into UE5.5.3
I have latest autoset up installed in UE 5.5.3.
I am adding the character to the sequencer in UE. Body animation works fine, but no facial animation. The same animation works fine(including facial morphs) in a FAB/UE character.
All animation was captured with a Rokoko Smart Suit and as I mentioned, it works in other characters, just not the CC4 character.