Learning timeline

in anime puppet she has an angry emoticon play and loop
Screenshot 2025-01-13 191700
i want to do this.
I noticed when i right click both anims are here

how do i it? i can make an the 1st anim then what?


If you choose the Loop option this will be add one animation sequence to the timeline. You can then add as many loops of the animation as you want by choosing Loop again and again.

If you choose the Play option this will add a pre-defined motion clip of the same animation which is 128 frames long.

To see how this animation is used, just load up the Kiko Puppet Stage and when Previewing or Recording just press S.

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sorry for being unclear

how to i make my prop have multiple anims? I make one anim lets say “play” save motion then time line has “play” but in these RL props there is only the anim selected at a time.

I just found this :slight_smile:


did it :slight_smile:


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now if i can just get these on puppet stage!!

i did it


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