Invisible Heidi - Ominverse Sim (Nirwana style :))

All sims are via direct Alembic import to Omniverse

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Not bad. :grinning:

I like that the necklace is dynamic as well. Did you do the sims in iClone? The headline says “Omniverse Sim” but I’m assuming you mean that the sim was rendered in Omniverse and not simulated with Omniverse.

Personally, I’ve started to use gloves, bracelets, etc. on invisible characters when the garments have no sleeves to make the motion of the arms “visible” and prevent a Venus de Milo look; also I don’t use hair on such characters because hair is part of the body and that is invisible. When I want to make head movements “visible”, I use hats, glasses, etc. instead.

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I simulated all in Blender (except hair) a couple of years ago and now just imported the scene to Omniverse, then separately imported all sim parts as Alembic (separate sim per material).

I did not think about highlighting invisible parts. Good idea about using accessories for that.