I hope someone can help me fix this problem as I want to avoid going the AccuRIG way.
I have a character that is fully rigged in 3DMax, then exported to fbx and once imported to CC4 I can’t seem to see the same contextual menu everyone sees.
What I expect to happen:
1 Import (Select Humanoid)
2 Select Character profile (Which I can’t see, does not pop up)
3 Character ready to start testing animations
Step 2 is missing, therefore I can’t do anything with the character.
I can go to Characterization and load the profile for 3DMax, but that does nothing, I still can’t perform any action to test the rig.
This is so frustrating cause I followed every YT tutorial or topic I found on this forum.
I hope to find someone on this forum to help me and end this suffering.