Importing a 3DMax Rigged Character

I hope someone can help me fix this problem as I want to avoid going the AccuRIG way.

I have a character that is fully rigged in 3DMax, then exported to fbx and once imported to CC4 I can’t seem to see the same contextual menu everyone sees.

What I expect to happen:

1 Import (Select Humanoid)
2 Select Character profile (Which I can’t see, does not pop up)
3 Character ready to start testing animations

Step 2 is missing, therefore I can’t do anything with the character.

I can go to Characterization and load the profile for 3DMax, but that does nothing, I still can’t perform any action to test the rig.

This is so frustrating cause I followed every YT tutorial or topic I found on this forum.

I hope to find someone on this forum to help me and end this suffering.



Have you followed the tutorial HERE. These are the steps to follow if you are using a standard character rig.

However, if your rig is not being detected then it likely that your character rig is not in a standard format.

When this happens you have two options. One is to follow the tutorial HERE to characterize the character in CC4 and the other option is to use AccuRig as you have already mentioned. This is a very simple process and only takes a few minutes to complete.