I need to import an existing 3D dragon character. It has a face rig originated in Maya. When I import it takes 15min plus and it has a large human head with apparent face animation. The body rig imports fine, just need the face animation.
FBX model.
This might work if you’re using blendshapes/shapekeys/morphs. Unsure about shapekeys using bones, those might need to be redone in Character Creator. (Jaw open, eyes rotating, etc…)
Have you tried using the Facial Profile Editor in Character Creator? After clicking Edit Expressions, there’s an option at the top called Batch Import, change it to FBX.
A little window will pop up. After opening your file, make sure you type something into (Target Category), just above the Cancel button. Press OK.
Thanks for the response Smnz. I will try that. Apparently the face animation was created in an unusual way. The team who made it had it working well in Maya, but said it was not easy to translate to other apps. The eyes and teeth don’t translate either.