How to update changes (made in CC) on game characters in UE?

All right, so I have this character in my Unreal Game:

On the left is the current look of the character inside the engine. I want to change the texture of the shirt to the one shown on the right side in my picture (the black texture).

Is there an easier way to do this than I do it?

Currently, when I make changes to the game characters, I always delete the old assets in Unreal and then import the new mesh with the changes. This isn’t very convenient because it requires me to update all references to the old mesh in all the Blueprints that use this character.

I’m looking for a way to apply these changes in a more elegant and efficient way. Unreal already provides the “Reimport” feature. Is there a way how I can use this?

Any ideas?

Cheers! :nerd_face:

Save the FBX of the new character out of CC or IC8 with the similar name as the old one or better override the old FBX. Then select the character in the UE5 content tab, right click and select re-import.

Thanks Style Marshal for your reply! Thats actually what I did … somehow the importer does not load the new texture into UE. It does of course update any changes on the mesh! its just not reloading the new texture (I exported it at exactly the same location from CC) from disk into UE5.