How to Fix Buttons in Clothes

Hey I have Clothes of BBAlley and I have issue with buttons
Can anyone guide regarding this
(@Alley @Bigboss I hope these are correct tags)

Another one

conform > edit range

I don’t see Non Conform Setting in Iclone 8.

I am missing something with this method.

This has indeed been on ongoing problem with any buttons. As soon as the item of clothing is put on there is already deformation. Edit Range would not help here, I think.

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@RL_Tech_Support @Pete_RL

I think we can add this as a bug then.

What are my options?
To leave the buttons as it is?
Can it be fixed by Content Creators ?
Reallusion needs to fix it?
Hide the Buttons completely? How?

Here is how you fix it:

Put it on Neutral Male (female items on Neutral Female). Hopefully devs designed cloth on those as they should.

Run Weld Vertices (some buttons are multi-part) from Mesh menu

In Edit Range (CC only) select all buttons (with Element) and set weight to 0.

Save cloth as custom.

Apply custom cloth to any other character.

Tweak buttons location/rotation (some of them will be off)


Thank you for the Steps i will report tomorrow.

@4u2ges: Thanks! I will try this as well once I have time as this has been bothering me for years.

In the past I tried twaeking the buttons with Edit Mesh and then selecting as Element, but that was never very successful.

Hi, let me know if this works. In Bigboss early cloths, they are fitted to the Neutral Male and Female and on those characters fit perfectly. If you try to adjust the paramaters of the character, then you have a problem with distortion. According to Bigboss (he creates the cloth) - he says this is a bug in iClone. I will be curious if the method listed by 4u2ges works.

I do know that Bigboss has changed his workflow with buttons for this very reason and for some time now he creates them on a layer of their own which protects them from distortion but some earlier packs have this issue unless used with the Neutrals.

As for our cloths - we have changed up designing for mostly Camila and Kevin these days(which we specify) as the neutral clothes do not fit them right. We kind of like the CC4 Camila and Kevin physiques as they are different. Buttons for these characters are also done in the new revised workflow.

Hey Alley, no it’s not a bug. It’s just imperfection of Conform routine. Non much anyone can do to have a given asset to fit equally well to all characters. Unless RL comes up with Conform AI or something this will always be a problem and some sort of tweaking would always require.
Please continue with Neutal Male and Female. Kevin is quite a different morph (specially chest area) and not really suit well for a garment base development.

Here is a basic routine for fixing buttons

But I personally prefer a full asset overhaul to fix all imperfections and have it fit perfectly on a given character (specially when it comes to delicate cloth items where even a tiny stretch caused by character morph and consequently conform would result in horribly looking fit). Some can be fixed in CC, but most of the time clumsy CC tools would force one to do it outside. It’s a lot of work, but well worth it

Isn’t it true that this process only works only if the buttons are actual mesh; sometimes buttons are just textures (e.g. in the bump channel).

Well, yeah, the results are convincing, but this is not something that everybody can do (especially if it requires tools outside of iClone/CC) or is willing to do if many characters are involved.

Edit3: Nirwana Corrected my mistake
The BBAlley Business Suit pack’s shirt Buttons have following issues while following your Steps.

  1. The Buttons cannot be selected With Element.
  2. After Selecting button with Brush and Set weight to 0 it has no effect.
    (Weld Vertices also seem to have no effect (used 0.01))

Maybe the cloth is the issue.
Also those buttons are distorted in same way as in nuetral base

@Alley I was not able to fix those buttons at all.
Edit3: Nirwana Corrected my mistake
I am in Process of working this out

@4u2ges The buttons of Reallusion Business suit can be selected using Element.
They are not that distorted but then again those are not on collar.
Do you have BBAlley Suit to test?

Edit: Cloth Seem to be a problem here with Distortion.

I tried the shirt and tie on a Neutral Male character and I don’t see any distortion in the buttons:

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Then I must be Trying on Wrong Nuetral Base. Will Hop again to test.
Edit Yub Not distorted. But check next post.

Are you able to Select the Buttons in Edit Range as an Element?
I was able to Select Them Via Brush and then Weight to 0.

Yes. Did you activate the “Select (Q)” tool?

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Yes I did,

The Visual of Selection Button in this and Reallusion Business Shirt Appeared Different , which was basis of confusion for Novice like me.

Fixed this for current use case

Thank you Very Much for your Guidance

Your Steps were spot on ,

Probably the Layer for Buttons in this pack is slight issue.
Also as per @4u2ges Maybe Neutral Base is the way to go but with that added Layer part for each Element Selection and Also still some bugs left
Check it without Tie

Thank you all for your instructions and input regarding the buttons on our early packs - greatly appreciated. I am going to direct Bigboss to this thread for his take.

As for creating for Kevin and Camila - we switched because there are so many options for the Neutral M & F and most do not properly fit Kevin and Camila. Aesthetically speaking, I find Kevin more appealing and that he looks better in clothes that fit and are made for him, but maybe that’s just me. And Camila seems a bit less stiff than neutral F - we have created so many outfits in almost every genre for Neutral, we thought giving Kevin and Camila some options that actually fit them would be useful and give people more options for different character types. And they do sell. However, their clothing is not a good fit for the Neutrals. Camila sometimes but Neutral M and Kevin are very different as you say. We also did some outfits for Susan specifically as again, her body type is not compatible with Neutral. Thus giving options for older female and giving users some options to actually clothe her in outfits that fit.

I use Headshot for almost all my characters, so I assume they start out as neutral male or female?

Some older packs are still quite useful and the button distortion has always bothered me. Hopefully with the tips given here I can now fix this.