How to change sound volume using keyframes ?

Dear All, I am fairly a new uer for Cartoon Animator 5.
My issue is: I cannot change the volume of sound on FX1, FX2 or “Music” track on the timeline using keyframe…!! The “Add Keyframe” button/option stays off-color (grey color) when I move Play-Head along the sound track on the timeline to change sound volume level.

It’s so important to change volume along the sound track, specially when you are narrating a story with characters.

How Can I do this ?
Thanks :pray::blush:.


Unfortunately there isn’t an option to keyframe the FX and Music tracks. You can only set the overall volume of the clip and the fade in/out levels. You set these by double clicking on the audio clip you wish to adjust.

I dont know if this helps, but I do all my sound adjusting in post production. So I will add only my voice tracks to my animation, then in post production (I use CapCut), I will alter the voice levels if required and then add music and sound effects.