How do you avoid clipping with spring bone'd mesh?

Greetings all,

I’ve run into a task I don’t know how to resolve.
My figure has a necklace that I need to have secondary motion on:

After creating some bones and assigning weight maps to them in Blender, the secondary motion on them works fine, however, I can’t figure out how to avoid the necklace clipping into the figure during forward motion.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Continued trying to figure out a solution - am starting to think there isn’t one.

For this I tried using a new necklace mesh and instead of weight painting it to the extended custom bones of the model, use cloth mapping instead and brought it in as a prop to be parented to the model.

Unfortunately this method didn’t work. The material isn’t responding to the model’s movements - I’m pretty sure the mesh has to be apart of the model for the cloth mapping to be effective.

Which leads me to ask: How does one bring in a new mesh and make it apart of the model or is that not possible in Character Creator 4?

If that workflow is a dead end - I’m back on the topic for the original necklace, how do I prevent it from clipping into the model while using Springbones?

I’m figuring what needs to happen is I need to use cloth mapping on the original necklace and collision boxes for the model and just have the necklace work that way.

Spring bones and parented mesh cannot interact with any sort of collision objects.
And Humanoids cannot have cloth items created in CC.
You need to parent necklace to the avatar in Blender (attach to armature/transfer weights) before importing to CC.

Greetings and thank you, :pray:

That explains the difference between the original necklace and the one I had recently imported - one was parented to the model, the other was not.

For my own clarification, am I correct with my guess that a cloth map on the necklace mesh and a collision box on the model (with physics on) is the way to solve this?

This also poses a problem when it comes to tailed humanoids; how does one ensure the tail doesn’t clip through the model during movement if springbones and parent mesh don’t interact with collision? :thinking:

For this necklace it is mostly very hard to impossible to achieve believable interaction with type of soft cloth and physics collision system implemented in RL products.
Other ways is to use 3-rd party products for such animation and re-import animated objects directly to the target app.
I personally used Blender and Marvelous Designer to deliver a fairly believable necklace interactions into iClone. Both solutions took some effort to achieve (cannot offer a steady workflow). Just the results:
Blender necklace animation
MD necklace animation
(at the end of posts)

No, tails normally should not clip, but you have to carefully set the spring parameters, ensure that tail interaction starts from “safe” distance (relative to point of attachment), carefully choose animation movements, mask unavoidable collisions with camera… etc.