How do I customize?

I’m trying to customize face, I zoom in on character to get a good close up on the face, start the 360 head creator …and it zooms out to a point that i can’t see any detail at all with no options to zoom in. where is the logic in zooming out to see the whole body when I’m focusing on the face ?

Trying to understand the logic to this workflow, am I missing something ?

Edit - found answer - view > camera view > focus object. - wasn’t obvious and didn’t see it in help documents - one of the few modes that deletes the zoom controls.

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Thanks for the feedback. We’ll try to make more information about the Menu Bar > View controls available in the Online Manual.

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Thanks Peter. I looked all day for a solution, and it wasn’t until after I made this post that I found it as a new camera focus option. Glad it helped.

There is a little info in the manual HERE but a better explanation is planned to be added to the manual at some point in the future.

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