Help with springs

i have a character I created in cc4, and brought over to iclone for an animation. I can add premade animations, but in this case I need to do a custom animation. My issue is, it will not allow me to do a custom animation. If I choose ACCUPOSE or Edit Motion Layer, the messages says “This object contains spring effects. You can disable the effect by adding an off key in the spring track before using the Edit motion layer tool.” No matter what I try to do, the animation snaps back to the original pose with no animation whatsoever. Both characters in my scene have the possibility of springs, but both have all 3 springs turned OFF and only 1 has the issue. How can I correct this?


das gleiche Problem mit Federeffekten habe ich auch, zum Beispiel mit
Toon Maker 2.

Gruß Claudia

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