Grid/mesh lines


I’m having an issue where I can see grid/mesh lines in the Cycles viewport or in the Cycles renders. I don’t have this issue with Eevee and it also only happens with skin shaders, not with any other props or clothes. I’m on Blender 4.2.3 and using the latest version of the auto setup tool. Besides that I have tried both GPU and CPU rendering, which both show the same issue. Blender 4.3 gives me a shader error, but doesn’t have the issue and doesn’t properly show the quality of the skin material. Any suggestions are welcome.

I think I may be having the same issue. In this render you can see the geometry edges faintly in white. Hoping Victor has an idea what’s going on as I tried numerous things to see if I could make them go away.

Also need to say that the Blender pipeline and tools is phenomenal. Updating a character in CC then pushing the changes down to the Blender session is fantastic.

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Subdivision modifier to around 2 levels will fix the lines on the subsurface scattering. This seems to be the only way to fix it that keeps the Random Walk Subsurface scattering. You could instead change the scattering to Christensen-Burley, but it doesn’t look as good.