Go CC Doesn't update the facial shapekeys (SOLVED)

Edit this has been solved

I have been using the Go B pipeline to edit shapekeys in Blender. I am able to edit the shapekeys (blendshapes, expressions whatever they’re called) one by one. I am able to send the altered mesh from Blender back to CC and click the lighning bolt to update each shape. The problem is I have to do this one a ta time.
It seems like I should be able to edit all of the shapekeys in Blender and then hit Go CC back to CC4 and have the shapekeys be updated? When I use the Go CC button the character loads into CC4 but the expressions are all back to the originals.
I followed this tutorial… (Reallusion Courses - Free Online Tutorials for 2D & 3D Animations)
It’s not working.
Rather than use the Go B add on I followed the tutorial. I exported the fbx from the vanilla Blender menu. The character comes in with no textures. Then like he said in the tutorial… In the Facial Profile Editor I clicked the option “FBX with Frame Sequence” and imported the fbx. The Expressions do not update.

I tried the Reallusion Character option in Blender Export menu as well. That way I can even get a ccFacialProfile file. But again when I import to CC4 the textures are screwwed up. When I click “FBX with Frame Sequence” and import the FBX again the shapers are not updated.

Sorry for the rant… Is there any way I can edit all of the shapes in Blender and then send an FBX over where the CC4 expressions are similar to the blendshapes of the same name? Or Do I have ot update them one by one by sending the mesh from blender each time?

OK I figured out what I was missing…

You have to export fbx from CC4 with the expression sequence. I think I was exporting using the blender link which either doesnt have or I dont know how to enable the option to inlcude the expression sequence. Export back form Blender using the Blender vanilla fbx export. Everything is working now!

Dont use the Go B or the Realusion Character fbx options to export from Blender. Then import into CC4