Glow offset issue on everything with glow

I’m having an issue where the glow is offset to the top left of my scene, I logged an issue but I’m wondering if it is just a setting, maybe I can try taking iClone bace to default settings, does anyone know how to do that? I’m not having issues in othjer software, and my video drivers are all up to date. I’m on Windows 11 with a RTX 3060TI

It seems like it is displaying glow at the wrong resolution?

You have DLSS turned on it seems. Turn it off. It has hefty of bugs and not much usable for animations either.

Oh I can’t find the setting, oh no!!!

It’s close to the end on Preferences dialog in Performance section.

Yeah I found it, turning it to Ultra helps mostly, but off seems like the best idea. Thanks for your help.