the hair doesn’t show correctly on eevee it sort of looks partially transparent why is that and how can I correct it? Also seems the shirt also looks wet for some unknown reason?
When I move hand using “G” the bones aren’t attached to each others, but can move out of place like you see in the video. How I make it so that I can actually move the character with “G” in blender so it’s easier to pose the character if the bones would stay together like they should?
I have now got the importing to work by updating into the latest blender add on. Also if the name has any special markings like (),.- etc character creator can’t export correctly. For example I had brackets on the name and CC4 didn’t export hair correctly it missed the hair color and keep it brown instead of colored like I have inside CC4.
Also the heads texture was correct color, but other body color was very pale so you see the head texture seams since they didn’t match up.
I still have the bones problems. I don’t fully understand, but when I push rigify in blender it creates this bones control thingie on top and I quess this is what you are supposed to use when animating?
The problem still is that the mesh can stretch so the bones aren’t locked like chain so how I animate with the rigify rig in a way that this isn’t happening?
I would like to use “G” in blender which is to move selected bones so it’s easy and fast instead or “R” rotate which prevents the bones and mesh stretching, but it’s harder since I need to look the character from wierd angles in order to twist the limbs and that just ain’t right in my opinion to do this.
I would also liek to add that I have now tested to move the bones without and with the rigify rig and when I take render in blender via F12 the character always will be rendered in T-pose even when I have moved the limbs. For some reason the movement isn’t being rendered so I can’t do poses on the character. Why is that ???
I am pretty happy with animating in iClone and never bothered to learn deeply animating in Blender with Rigify or other tools. But if you need to learn how to animate/pose in Blender you need to research for appropriate resources/tutorials.
Here is one… Covers pretty much all the basics to start animating with Rigify
Got it to work now. Seems that in order to render pose you need to first put in the keyframes so blender seems to read the poses from there and not on the screen.
I see on this tutorial same problem though which is stretchy mesh isn’t there anything we can do to stop it? I haveto eye ball the mesh and leave limbs little bit bendy in order to avoid stretching???
can anybody help with the strechy mesh problem why does this happen??? It can’t be normal right? Why would animating be this hard that you need to avoid over adjsuting constantly???
I got this problems solved on other forum and the stretching has options on the cc4 import menu that enables and disables this. I needed to turn all 4 stretch modes to 0 so now the character moves instead stretch which is more proper way to animate.
Just FYI
it is possible to use the Blender pipeline tool to convert your CC4 figure to rigify and STILL bring over multiple animations from iclone and apply them to the rigify control rig with the pipeline tool.
this is the Ideal situation as you have a proper control rig to edit the imported Iclone animations(as needed)
with proper viewport controls.
Also you will be able to delete previous animations (body and face)
and replace them with new animation data from Iclone via CC4
Here is an older video I did 2 years ago (probably outdated) but it outlines the overall process
well it didn’t answer the glow texting issue which is now fixed and not to the stretching question so I don’t understand what was the video supposed to help with
Here’s the option you need to turn off if you don’t want to animate stretchy mesh.