New to Character Creator and trying to get clothing to work right. Currently using “Medieval Peasant”.
I figure there are probably some settings I’m missing to fix these issues.
Using latest version (4.52.3526.1), when I select any of the presets for a piece of clothing nothing happens. I am assuming it’s supposed to change the properties to match the selected types of fabric?
I am also getting the fabric passing into the leg when the model moves, but I don’t see a way to correct it.
Weirdest of all, when the arm swings near the pants, vertices from the pants “magnetize” to the arm and sections stuck to the leg.
(Some vertices of the apron seems to want to follow the rigging to the leg bone instead of physics?)
OK, first of all, I have had more issues with the soft-cloth physics engine in CC than in iClone. If you have iClone, you may want to try it there.
iClone and CC don’t to soft-cloth collisions on a body-mesh basis, instead they use simplified collision shapes (capsules and the like) that may need to be adjusted manually to get better results. That could be the issue with the trousers when the character is walking; the collider shapes seem not well suited to the character’s legs.
You may also have to adjust the Weight Map for the physics engine. And other physics settings.
The entire thing is not a one-click-and-it-works kind of deal.
Finally, the soft-cloth physics system in iClone/CC can work for simple garments (like this apron) but I stopped using it a few years ago because it wouldn’t give me the kind of results I was looking for.
Are the apron and the trousers from one of the RL stores? If so, can you provide a link to these assets in the stores? I may have them and could try this myself.
If these assets are not “native” to iClone/CC, that may also be part of the problem. Some creators of RL assets try to give the buyer soft-cloth settings that (more or less) work out of the box, other asset creators don’t bother with soft-cloth physics at all, especially on things like trousers, so it is up to the buyer to experiment.
The apron has weight maps properly on it, but the trousers didn’t, so I made the area at the top lack physics to keep them on.
Using the apron (since its working better) What can I adjust to help prevent it from passing through the legs? I tried increasing the base and apron subdivision but it didn’t help.
I don’t have iClone; my main intent is to move these all to Blender for animation. I’m in hope that the blender plugin can transfer as much work to it as possible so there’s less I need to do in it.
OK, I put those garments on an old guy character and exported him to iClone. Apparently, you can only change the collision shapes in iClone (see screenshot, where I highlighted the collision shape on the right lower leg of the character). So, if you don’t have iClone (and don’t plan on getting it), then I would suggest, you do the cloth simulation in Blender from scratch.
@ TheAtomicSoul
iClone/CC Collision shapes physics will not work right with mesh closely wrapped around body.
So do not attempt to apply physics to pants. It will never work right.
I do my cloth simulations in Cinema 4D. Here is a quick and dirty test render (viewport render, nothing pretty). I added 1 level of subdivision to the apron (because I figured it was stiffer material) and 2 levels to the pants (they are now 24K polys).
One of the reasons I moved away from iClone for simulating clothing on characters.
I don’t use weight maps for pinning in my cloth simulations in C4D; if pinning is needed (e.g. to prevent wardrobe malfunctions), I pin selected vertices to the character’s body mesh, but the clothes are 100% dynamic if they are simulated (I don’t simulate e.g. socks, but I may do so for tight fitting clothing such as spandex pants). However, I may use maps for other parameters such as stiffness (e.g to make shirt collars stiffer than the rest of the shirt to help them better retain their shape).
Harnesses, pouches, etc. I usually simulate as soft bodies, not as cloth. Buttons are something of an issue; if I do simulate them then as rigid bodies attached to the cloth.
Things can get a little tricky if I try to attach different simulated “bodies” to one another. You may recall the following simulation I did some time ago where the rose (as a soft body) is attached to the fully dynamic coat (cloth) of the male character.
Well, yes and no. I don’t need to bake it to Alembic for exporting (e.g. to iClone) since I don’t do that, but the external cache files for cloth simulation in C4D are Alembic files so I have to use them all the time. BTW: there is one Alembic for each object; I haven’t checked, but I would think that the rose and the jacket in this case are separate Alembic files.
Of course you don’t need to export alembic, but I do, as I work mostly in iClone , hence a dilemma with some specific setups in Blender (which differs from C4D).