Exporting FBX Pose Plus does not export with the pose or current pose

I’ve tried methods such as going to Motion Pose Tab and setting current pose as default, then export FBX with current pose.
I’ve also created the pose as motion plus and attached that to current animation in export settings.

It’s frustrating that obj export has a setting to export current pose but doesn’t keep all material names but FBX keeps material names but doesn’t export current pose!
Come on this is essential for painting in other programs… I & others need mouth open, eyes closed, and fingers spread for proper painting. This isn’t the first time this issue has been brought up, it’s an ongoing issue for years.

I wonder what paint app you are using. I never had a problem exporting OBJ and keeping all material/texture names intact (I am using Blender and 3D Coat).

Yes, CC does not have a “true” mesh exporter with FBX. Armature is exported along regardless, that cause paint apps which do not process animation always to select a bind pose on import.

One way is to import FBX into Blender (being an animation app, it does accept current pose with facial) and then export FBX selecting Mesh only if that helps for your specific paint app.

Using 3DCoat for painting. When importing from obj, it only shows two materials when loaded in 3DCoat, same thing goes if I export obj from Zbrush then import into 3DCoat.
When I use other viewers for FBX, the pose plus is not kept and don’t need any of the existing materials(specifically textures) at least the material names are preserved.

About preserving pose from FBX, Rampa shared a solution to swap first frame with the pose using Pose plus but it didn’t help me or another fellow that I saw trying to get the same result.

You must be using a model with “specifics”. Normally, exporting OBJ with export materials and textures checked from CC does work fine while importing into 3DCoat.

Regarding FBX, no matter what you do in CC/iClone it will always export an armature and 3Dcoat would pickup a bind pose. There is no way to “teach” it otherwise. So try out Blender route to strip the armature (it’s pretty much straightforward) and see if it helps.

Again, I’m not really sure why you are not getting all the materials intact from OBJ into 3Dcoat… maybe some strange characters in material name and in .MTL. But it all could be investigated and rectified IMO.

Here is a basic OBJ route.

The only problem I usually encounter with OBJ, is with some textures - particularly normal maps, which 3Dcoat picks up by file name pattern from diffuse map I guess. So if there is a mismatch between file types in textures (like diffuse is JPEG and normal is PNG), the normal map is not imported.
(even if normal map is referenced in .MTL it’s still not getting picked up).
The solution in this case is to manually import texture, or rename file extension (which is easier).

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