Exporting facial profile/expressions to Unity

I have a character from CC4 which i am exporting on Unity. So everything is fine and i can see its blendshapes.
But i would like to have the expressions from facial profile , for example sad, cry etc in order to use it through blendshapes. Is that possible? I see that some interesting content like this: Cartoon Expressions_Basic50 - iClone/Expression - Reallusion Content Store it says that is not exportable. But it remains the same for the CC4s default expressions?
Even if we can not export it i have a similar qouestion: all these expressions are a combination of blendshapes right? If this is true is there anyway to see this data and transfer it manually to Unity, or other software? When i load an expression on CC4 i can see some weights on face and i transfer them to Unity’s blendshape but i think the result is not the same. Also some motion that the content store provides is it not possible to transfer it (trough iClone maybe) to Unity? Thank you