Daz3d to CC4 Full Scenes not Importing

For years I’ve been getting full scenes from Daz3d. I start with a Daz3d character, I link the scene to the character, and then I export the character (with the scene linked to the character). I use the Transformer tool to bring in the character into CC4. Then I export the character to IC8. I unlink the character from the scene (and delete it) and the scene and all the props come in perfectly. Never had an issue. NOW every time I try to import the character (linked to the scene) into CC4 it crashes. EVERY SINGLE TIME. This wasn’t happening before. Does anyone know a fix for this? Or can they link me the thread where this is addressed? This is very frustrating.

To be honest I’m surprised you were ever able to get scenes to import through Transformer at any time as Transformer is not designed for that purpose.

What I also find a little puzzling is if after taking the character and scene into iClone, you then delete the character, have you not considered importing the scene elements straight into iClone 8 without the character to start with. It seems the easier option.

I’ve never done that before with a Daz3d scene. The tutorial video I watched years ago didn’t show that. Since the entire scene is linked to the character, it’s easy to rotate the entire scene by rotating the character. Then I delete the character. I don’t even know how to import an entire scene directly from Daz3d to IClone 8 where everything imports issue free. The way I’ve been doing it, I get absolutely everything exactly as it appears in Daz. Every piece of furniture, every wall, ceiling, plant - you name it. Is there a video somewhere that shows how to do this directly from Daz3d to Iclone 8 where I would get everything?

You do not actually need a character in DAZ to export scene from DAZ into iClone. It can be exported as FBX, and imported as a prop into CC. Then run Mike’s script to fill missing texture slots and send whole thing to iClone.
But for some scenes it maybe a bit trickier than attaching to a character. Some developers do a sloppy job and leave local transform other than 0 on props which might cause them to be scattered in space after FBX export.
For that, all nodes have to be set with Edit > Object > Lock > Lock Selected Node(s)
And then FBX exporter is also buggy. In Properties section of the exporter there are 2 check boxes:
“Include Rotation Limit” and “Include Rotation Lock”. They both should be OFF. But if they are OFF on FBX exporter opening, you should tick them ON and then OFF again.

Another way, is to export a scene with Diffeo from DAZ to Blender and then with piepline DataLink directly to iClone.

Either way some materials such as glass, emissives… etc need tweaking in iClone.

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