So I’ve just bought iClone 8 and been using it for 12 hours. There’s one thing that I simply do not understand about the curve editor.
One minute I’m editing the keys around, changing the tangent handles, etc.
The next minute I can’t move the keys around, for whatever reason.
And the next minute I can’t see any keys AT ALL.
Then I restart the software. And lo and behold, the keys are back. And they can be moved again.
What is this? I simply do not understand what’s causing this. Is this some kind of serious bug? Or am I just pressing too many buttons so much that the software glitches out?
This isn’t something I’ve encountered so it may just be down to being unfamiliar with how the Curve Editor works.
If you are new to iClone I would advise checking out the Curve Editor tutorials found on the page HERE. These will help you to better understand how everything works.
However, if you encounter the problem again, and can provide steps to reproduce the problem, please report the issue on the Feedback Tracker and the iClone team will investigate to see if there is a bug.
I’m not unfamiliar with how a curve editor in any 3d program works. I’ve been a 3d artist for more than 15 years. I’ve used both 3ds Max and Maya. You keyframe something, and those keys appear in the curve editor which can be moved around and adjusted. I would imagine the curve editor in iClone 8 should work the same way.
But for some reason, there are times when the keys on iClone’s curve editor get locked and can’t be moved. After deselecting and reselecting the character a few times, the curve editor is completely empty even when selecting any animated object. The only fix around this is to restart iClone.
For what it’s worth, I’m using AccuPose to create keyframes for my character. This is when this problem seems to appear.
If you have a chance, take a screen recording (with obs is easiest) and share. Will make it easier for people to problem solve.
The availability of keyframes (in curve editor) IS very confusing in iClone, and of course it changed again quite a bit in 8 and then 8.5.
There’s just so many factors involved. I use Maya and Blender mostly, and whenever I try to use iClone again after a few months I always get confused - even though I’ve used iClone for a long long time
I have the same problem with the Curve editor. Keyframes are not visible. But I’am working with Iclone 8 on a Mac (with Parallels) and thought that issue causes the problems.
Curve Editor behavior with latest update is bizarre.
Keys and corresponding bezier handles are indeed only visible when you zoom in.
And the amount of zoom you need to go in would depend… on clip length!
The longer clip, the “deeper” you need to zoom in order to see keys.