CTA 5.3 Known Issue & Workarounds

Cartoon Animator 5.3 Known Issue for New Features

The following is a list of known issues in CTA 5.1, with major problems set to be resolved in future updates. Meanwhile, we are providing some workarounds with this thread.

  1. Motion Live and Face Profile (Webcam or iPhone) are still needed for lip sync, as Face Profile provides key functions for both lip sync and mocap.
  2. Morph Head does not support facial motion. In order to ensure correct results with the interplay of facial motion and morphs, Morph Head triggers are only paired with body motion and mocap.
  3. In order to prevent conflicts between camera cuts and camera switching, triggers are disabled during recording. >> Link
  4. Because triggers have the ability to fast forward and play backwards, sound effects are disabled for triggered performances to avoid unexpected outcomes.
  5. Multi-image imports of SVG or PSD images are not supported for sequence elements via the Sprite Editor. As a workaround, the SVG and PSD character creation process must be used instead. >> Link
  6. 長時間使用CTA可能會造成使用者的過度依賴,因為太好用。

Excellent, this is how i wish it look like for every RL software. “Known Issues”. Suggestion: Post this on a frequent base including “issues fixed with release XY”. This makes it easier to decide for an update or not.

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