As the title states,
Will there be an AutoSetup for Cinema 4d in the future?
Thank you
As the title states,
Will there be an AutoSetup for Cinema 4d in the future?
Thank you
Yeah, I’d love to see that as well.
Perhaps Reallusion can give this guy some of that special help they gave to the creator of the Blender pipeline tool.
As I recall, we talked about this a while ago and, as far as I know, there has not been much further development on CC4DTools since then. Sure, it would be nice to see RL give this developer a hand, but I’m not holding my breath.
Blender and UE are probably much more important DCC programs for RL to link to/support then C4D is.
Well to be honest,
considering the relatively high entry cost of entering the Iclone /CC4 eco system, it is probably a smarter strategic approach to target free external apps like Blender & game engines with their pipeline /conversion tools.
That is probably why we have no
special pipeline tool for Maya beyond a simple FBX export preset from CC4.
but then again theres is a new Pipeline tool for Autodesk Max but most of the initial heavy lifting was done by a dedicated single user before getting “official” support from Reallusion
Ich denke, dass diejenigen, welche in C4D arbeiten die Vorteile vor allem im Rendering mit Redshift kennen. Ich zumindest wäre durchaus bereit, für eine funktionierende Pipeline auch noch mal zu bezahlen.
Ich habe mir das Tools aus den Videos geholt und es funktioniert wirklich sehr gut. Was aktuell nicht geht sind die Shader, aber daran wollte er noch arbeiten. Zumindest schrieb er das in seiner letzten Email, welche ich von ihm erhalten habe.
Auch wäre es gut, wenn es eine einfache 1 zu 1 Übertragung der Motions geben würde. Das bekommt man zwar alles hin, ist aber sehr aufwändig.
>>translated from German<<
I think that those who work in C4D know the advantages, especially in rendering with Redshift. At least I would be willing to pay again for a functioning pipeline.
I would imagine that Reallusion considers the omniverse and UE5 pipeline tools to be a sufficient solution for Iclone users seeking a better quality render engine.
It is probably not realistic to expect Reallusion to create and maintain multiple material converters for the exotic render engines of every major 3DCC.
I have and older C4D( R26) with Vray as well as Autodesk Maya with Arnold
Both apps have material converters that are hit and miss and best, because they assume you are building all of your scenes elements inside the app with native shaders
It would also be good if there was a simple 1-to-1 transfer of motions. You can do it all, but it’s very time-consuming.
Of all of the Major 3DCC C4D has the worst Character motion retargeting tools because there really is not a true default standard human IK control rig in C4D for devs to embrace so everyone has to cobble a custom solution like the CC4D tools or the older IKmax tools.
Blender is not great in retargeting natively either but at least there are many third party mocap retargeting addons that support the blender native “Rigify” control rig.
Well, when I export an iClone project as an FBX file to C4D, some of the textures (diffuse and bump) already import pre-linked for Redshift. The others (roughness, metalness, SSS, etc.) I have to re-link manually. Opacity maps import but link to the wrong port in the Redshift material (the Transmission channel instead of the Opacity channel) which is easily fixed.
Also: Redshift is owned by Maxon and C4D (now) comes with it out of the box, making it the quasi default render engine and not an “exotic” one. The C4D content browser features an ever increasing number of native Redshift materials and 3D models already prepared for Redshift.
What I would really love to see is an import or (or appropriate documentation for) the wrinkle maps into C4D. The other material import issues I can live with.
For some purposes, it seems as if Maxon has more or less “embraced” the Mixamo rig; there may also have been some improvement for re-targeting since R26 that I’m simply not familiar with. Since I only import animated characters from iClone, I don’t really care about re-targeting in C4D (i.e. adapting iClone motions to C4D characters).