Caruncles and Eyelashes not replaceable?

Hi guys, I’m having a problem with Caruncles and Eyelashes after working on the mesh without checking them.
I’d like to swap them to start again from fresh mesh of those taken from elsewhere and integrate them, but I just can’t find any way to erase them or replace them.
Am I missing something?
What should I do?
Thanks for your help!

Eyelashes are irreplaceable. And depending on a damage, fixing deformed mesh is hard and time consuming. If occur, I do fix such deformations in Blender usually by restoring a default shape with add-on: PLEASE MAKE A EYELASH FIX OR RESTORE FUNTION

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Big thank you @4u2ges ! I’ll check this asap!
I find this really time consuming too, but at the same time I’ve done so much work on the rest that I can’t let it go and restart without trying something…

The eyes elements are the hardest to get right in CC4, by far.
Something should be done to make those parts way easier to edit.
There’s a lot of things moving around when morphing and sculpting other parts, and it would be incredibly useful to have a special option to seperate those part like caruncles and eyelashes.

It would be super useful to isolate the polygroups and be able to sculpt them without touching anything else. Plus they already exist in the program, and they could be use like in ZBrush to only show the mesh grid of those part and really zoom in on specific parts.
For example if I want to work on the eyelashes, it’s quite difficult with the whole head being sculptable at the same time. We should be able to access those seperatly in CC4.

In reality we always begin to morph and sculpt the bigger parts of the head, and then when we’re finished with those, it would be really incredibly useful if
there was some buttons like “Reset Carnuncle to default shape” or “Reset Eyelashes to Default shape” etc and be able to move them around as whole seperate objects. And by the way it’s the same for many other part which are very difficult to work on, like mouth and eyes sockets.

I’m sure it would be a nice update for CC4, cause really this is one of those tiny details that don’t make sens workflow wise, and get me angry at an otherwise incredible software.
Hope the moderator will get those request up to Dev :wink:

Anyway, again thank you @4u2ges for giving me solutions to try out!