Can I sell my CC4 characters on FAB? or use on my own game?

Hello there to everyone, this is my first topic maybe somone can help me, the question is: where can I check if I have licence to use my CC4 characters on my own game, or if I can sell them on a marketplace like FAB,com?

Thanks in advance.


You are not permitted to sell any characters created with Character Creator in 3rd party marketplaces. The EULA only permits the selling of characters in our own Marketplace or Content Store.

You are however permitted to use characters generated by CC4 in your own games. If the game is to be a commercial game then you will need either a Standard or Extended license for any content you purchase for use in the game. This is explained HERE.

Thanks a lot for your answer :ok_hand:t2:

It is posible to buy an extended license to do that?

Hi… There is no option to buy a license that would allow you to sell in 3rd party stores. As mentioned previously you may only sell custom characters in the Reallusion Marketplace.