Blender Rigged Damp Tail to CC4

So I finally made a Damp tail accessory/prop in Blender, however I have no idea if CC4 allows for it to work at all let alone enable it.

Note I have no idea on the difference between a rigged prop tail vs a rigged accessory tail unless the terms are just interchangeable.

I have Been able to attach the tail and play around with CC4s’ spring bones but the tail comes out stretchy and very stringy no matter what I do.

I’m trying to hold off on making the tail part of the armature, so that I can always come in and reedit the models easily.

What can be done and what are ultimately my only real options?

Technically Accessory is a Prop only attached to a particular bone of character armature.
Set Mass to low, Strength to high (do not set max values as spring would spiral out of control), play with Bouncing. CC have those group controls only available in Edit Spring Mode (iClone has them by default in Modify).

This is as stiff as you can get the tail with that many bones.

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Ah Thank You this helps.
I need to go Delete parts of my body, as they offend me so.