Bicycle Prop

There was a bicycle prop in iClone7 which have some Lua script attached with it. I can’t find that prop in iClone8. I copy that prop from an old installation and try to use it in iClone8 but it didn’t work at all and throws some errors. But there was a Unicycle props also in old iClone7 it works fine in the iClone8. Can anyone please let me know the way to resolve the issue with the Bicycle prop? Thanks in advance.

I’m not sure if we are thinking about the same bicycle, but I just tried the Bike.iProp originally from iClone 5 and it appears to be working fine with the control panel (see below). If this is the same prop, please let us know what the error messages say that you are getting.

Yes! I am talking about this one. I am sharing my error message below. If possible, please share the solution. Thanks in advance.
“Fail to call OnPickItem [string “g_kActorTemp = nil;…”]:42: Some invalid argument(s) while call PlayMotionToClip, LUA Script Error: Failed to load external file.” I am getting this error after selecting the actor from the script.

It works (never mind errors - there are few here and there).
But you have to attach G5 character to the bike first and then replace it with any other character.
Then adjust bike dummies and optionally attach it to the path. I attached both bike and a character to a path and set path end key to Linear. Some other animation enhancements like steering and body tweaking are due…

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Thanks. I’ll try it.

But for UNICYCLE CC3/4 character works fine for me.

The bicycle was optimized for a completely different avatar type (G5), so there will be some workarounds. But 4u2ges gave already a solution.