I’ve been working on importing Daz models (Gen8/9) into Character Creator (CC) as CC+ characters, but I keep running into issues. Here’s what I’ve tried so far:
Exporting from Daz to CC via FBX:
I exported the model from Daz as an FBX and performed the “Transform to CC+” process in CC. However, this method consistently results in a broken model. The rig gets messed up, and the character is often missing limbs like arms or legs.
Daz to Blender to CC Workflow:
I used the Daz to Blender plugin to send the character to Blender and then used the Blender to CC plugin to export the FBX for CC. While the model loads into CC and the characterization screen appears, it crashes around the texture-processing stage.
I’m not sure where I’m going wrong with these workflows. My goal is to bring the model into CC with full morphs and viseme functionality active.
Could anyone recommend the correct workflow or provide any guidance on how to resolve these issues? Any tips, tricks, or resources would be greatly appreciated.
There is third option you could try and that is to import the FBX directly into CC. It will ask you to choose between Prop and Humanoid. Select Humanoid and it should import as character.
I don’t use DAZ characters so I don’t know about the compatibility with Gen9, but it is worth a shot.
For Transformer please try following the tutorial HERE.
Please Note: In the latest versions of Daz Studio the setting “Merge Clothing into Figure Skeleton” is replaced with “Merge Followers (into Target)”. Just make sure this is checked if you include clothing with your character.
I would recommend starting with just a basic unclothed character such as Victoria 8 or Michael 8 or the base Gen 8 male or female characters just to ensure the process works before moving on to more complicated character setups.
When using Transformer you can’t import individual morphs. Morphs need to be baked into the character and this is what will be imported using Transformer.
I am able to get a nude model in.
However I am not able to with clothes and accessories.
I have enabled Merge Followers (into Target) and applied the A-Pose as well as the Facial profile
However, I am getting a no suitable profile error as soon as I stick clothes on.
Uptil which version of Daz did this feature change? I don’t mind downgrading if it works easier
I did try importing as fbx, however the face animation don’t work, and I can’t open the mouth by this way, even though choosing Daz8 profile automatically picks up the IK rig
However now I have a new problem where in I go to transform and create a CC+ character, it creates a new item ’ Custom_Eye’ > material name Pupils,Eye Moisture, Cornea, Irises, Sclera
and doesn’t have any textures in them even though when I made my model in Daz, it has separate eyes that I added to the model.
They are found in the Advanced mode when I am baking the textures, however I cannot choose them as eyes, they are detected as accessories and that’s the only option available
I never use DAZ eye. Replace them with one of the standard CC3+ eyes set. They better looking anyway. And then use Add Eye Element for even better look.
Tried disabling the iray menu, restarting CC and loading the character.
It goes thru 100% and completes the loading process, however now I just have a blank screen and not able to see the model.
I tried selecting the model in the scene menu and changing focus with (f) and cannot see anything
For the most part I’ve had pretty good luck Transforming Daz characters to CC+, tho sometimes it just explodes, for example, I recently imported a pretty complicated outfit, and it all came through and worked well except for the high-heeled sandals, which just destroyed the mesh on import, so I ended up using boots from the Reallusion store. The armor in this video was Transformed to CC+, added to a CC+ character, exported to C4D via FBX; the d Force cloth was exported from Daz as FBX, then imported and simmed in C4D.