Applying UE standard skeleton for CC/IC Character

Hi, I have a few questions about the workflow involving Character Creator, iClone, and Unreal Engine:

  1. If I develop a character in Character Creator and animate it in iClone, then transfer it to Unreal Engine using the UE Auto Setup plugin, will the character’s skeleton automatically convert to Unreal Engine’s standard skeleton?
  2. If the skeleton is not automatically converted, how can I apply the UE standard skeleton to a character transferred from iClone to Unreal Engine using the Auto Setup and Live Link plugins?
  3. If I am successful with the number 2 point, Once the UE standard skeleton is applied to the Character Creator character:
    a. Will the Live Link plugin still function correctly?
    b. Will animations exported as FBX from iClone still work with this CC character in Unreal Engine after its skeleton has been converted to the UE standard skeleton? If not, what’s the solution?
  1. As long as you use the CC4 skeleton ( Character created with the orig. CC skeleton ) it will be converted to an UE4 Mannequin skeleton when exporting as Unreal or transferring from IClone.
    If you use other skeletons in CC4 or IC8 ( like imported skeletons) it will not be converted.
  2. Retarget to a mannequin skeleton in UE5
  3. a. Yes LL still works
    b. Yes, as long it is using the CC skeleton , others have to be retarget.
  • CC or IC converts the skeleton to a IE4/5 Mannequin skeleton - not to the newer Manny or Quinn skeleton. ( Metahuman skeleton) - ( yet )
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