AccuPOSE v1.01 Release Note - INFINITY EXPANSION1

Hi all,

AccuPOSE INFINITY subscribers can now access INFINITY EXPANSION 1 which includes:

  • Combat - Rifle, Orc, Boxing, Wall Crawler
  • Action & Adventure - Flee Male, Flee Female, Car, Injury & Rescue M, Injury & Rescue F
  • Dance - Ballet

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I hope you still consider a perpetual buyout option.

Subscription is problematic because the customer has no control over the paid content (there could be breaking changes or things get removed during an update) and it also doesn’t seem to rely on any computation on servers.

Some pretty useful additions in Expansion #1.

Maybe I missed it, but it should have been pointed out that AccuPose needs to be updated via the Reallusion Hub for the new poses to become available.

Upon further examination its seems that Accupose is only for manual posing and does not function the same as Cascadure’s Autophysics during animation where secondary “settling in” motion is created by the AI in Cascadure.

Anyway it would be cool for Iclone users if Reallusion is able to port this free python ragdoll physics engine
I suggested in their official python plugin, wishlist solicitation thread

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