Mirror Collision Shapes (with script)

While we are still waiting for this to be developed by RL…

Years ago I have shown how to mirror shapes by editing an .ini file
Since then I put together a basic VB script to automatically create .ini files, mirroring shapes both ways by X. Serves me well thus far, so I figured I’ll share.

Disclaimer: No guaranty or responsibility is assumed by the author. Use script at your own discretion.



  • Script can only work with Collision Shapes for CC3, CC3+, AccuRig, Actor Core, Game Base skeletons. Do NOT attempt to use it with other Humanoids utilizing third party skeletons (DAZ, Mixamo… etc)
  • Mirroring only occurs for shapes applied to Arms, Legs and Breast/RibTwist (in Extended Bones)
  • If you rename shapes, avoid using "_L_" and "_R_" in naming convention


  • Unzip both files from downloaded .zip into the same folder
  • Align all shapes on either side of the character (arms, legs and extended if applicable)
  • Save shapes to Source_Shapes.ini file (this file must be in the same folder along with script)
  • Execute Mirror_Shapes.vbs script. Two additional .ini files should be created (or overridden if already exist):
  • L2R_Mirrored.ini - Left to Right mirrored shapes
  • R2L_Mirrored.ini - Right to Left mirrored shapes
  • Apply appropriate .ini file back at the Collision Shapes dialog

Here is a video with routine…

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Thanks 4u2ges! Most helpful.

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