Expressiveness limiter

when I import audio waves to animate lip movements to any character I make, the settings are always extreme making everything look like an unrealistic cartoon - for realistic lip animation on a human character image, i rarely go over a value of 20, but the auto settings go to 100 which is extremely unrealistic. In CTA 4 I recall a feature where I could minimize those default extreme settings …I can’t seem to find that feature in CTA 5 - making each project unnecessarily tedious in going phoneme by phoneme to remove the extreme settings. I’ve looked all over the software for something to limit this - is there such a feature anymore, or at least an *.ini file to change this default extreme setting ?

if your friends talked to you like this, you’d need new friends! lol

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I’m not very familar with CTA but isn’t there an option to set a profile as with AccuLips in iClone?

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Hi Job :slight_smile: Happy New Year - On iclone 7 it’s the style editor, and in the 2D - it was from crazy talk 8 - Lip Options - smooth clip - but in cta 5 it’s apparently extreme all the time as if the only reason to use cta is for looney toons type animations.

cta 8 lips editor

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